Visitly: Best Cloud Based Visitor Management System

When you run an organization that employs hundreds of people in the staff, tracking the time they spent working in the organisation can be a little difficult. Therefore, most organisations invest in buying cloud based visitor management system that can track the sign in and sign out time of the visitors without getting in contact with the other person. You must have seen in other offices that visitors enter their information on the iPad and they can enter the office premises. Today, you will get to know about an amazing visitor management tool called Visitly.

What is Visitly and how is it better from other visitor management tools?

Well, as you know that you are searching for visitor management system companies that can offer you effective tools to track visitor’s information and their sign in and sign out time, Visitly is exactly the company you need. The software has many exciting features that makes it a product that will be the number one choice for organisation like yours in the future.

1. It allows your employees to host and invite visitors from their mobile application.

2. It promotes your business and brand as it shows the logo, colour and name of your company.

3. It offers zero to no contact tracking of visitors.

4. Prints badges, captures visitors’ photos, and saves time by just signing in scanning the QR code and many other exciting features.

The company has developed a tool that allows visitor to select the language they are comfortable in. When a visitor signs in using the Visitly visitor management system software, it gives a notification to the employee whom the visitor has come to meet. In this way, more and more time is saved and things are much organised than they used to be.

It is a onetime investment that you have to make in order to purchase the VisitlyiPad and installing it on your reception desk. Now, all you will have to do is sit back and relax. All the information will be received in the Visitly visitors log on your systems automatically. There is nothing you have to do at all for securing the data and keeping it organized. So, what are you waiting for? Get yourVisitly software today. Get in touch with the company’s sales and customer support team to get a free quotation and for understanding the process of installation.

For more information, visit



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